Tuesday, June 3, 2008

From The Belly of the Beast

Here I sit, in the heart of the facility. I'm typing this on an outdated unit, and am finding it hard to use the keyboard. I feel like the supervisor of this chamber is breathing down my neck as this is not my designated area as I am supposed to have been released for the day after last rotation.

I stayed however because there are strangers in my house, so I can not go here, and BenJamin is designated to this chamber so we can keep each other company.

Now I have explained these circumstances you can perhaps better understand the feel of the whole day. I cold not sleep last night. It was very frustrating, I awoke late and had did not arrive at the facility until second rotation.

When I spoke to my good friend Sasookie, he informed me he was feeling somewhat melancholy, which set me off slightly as his bright cheery attitude usually helps me through my rotations. I tried to help him out but the supervisor proved to be getting more intent on keeping us working as examinations and the final termination neared. I was however able to talk to him more while maneuvering the tunnels between rotations. I think he will be alright.

It has been a somewhat grueling day which is nearing an end I will be glad to finally arrive home once the strangers have gone.

1 comment:

Woodsy said...

Oh, I know that place well... When I was a #13, there used to be an escape pod we could go to... None of the supervisors were allowed in it... You poor bastards don't even have that anymore... stay brave... stay courageous... and especially, watch your back!